My DIY projects!
All the different "Do It Yourself" projects I've done :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Feather bracelet
My favorite bracelet that I have made so far! You take whatever kind of bracelet material you want (I used yellow leather), wire, and whatev...
Owl Rings I made for me and my sister. You take whatever charm you want and cut the loop part off the top (you will need pliers or somethin...
Bracelet :)
Black rope ribbon, covered in light blue ribbon, with black lace roses. :) I used hot clue and some hand stitching to get it all to stay tog...
Christmas party crafts!
Hershey bar Reindeer! They were so easy and fun to make. Use brown pipe cleaners for the antlers, googly shaky eyes (they come already stick...
My DIY scarf
This is the scarf I made. It has 6 of my favorite quotes. :) all you need is a smooth scarf and a cloth paint pen. Writing on it may be a bi...
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